Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Swami Beyondananda’s Thanksgiving Gratitude

Have you made the acquaintance of Swami Beyondananda? Get ready for a good laugh and remember not to take yourself or life in general too seriously. There's some of those spiritual people who think they are important and "evolved". Swami has words for them. Anyway, here's his latest from Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, and not just because I love turkey and dressing. I’m grateful that we have set aside a day expressly to express gratitude, which is why I find it more heartfelt to send out Thanksgiving cards than Christmas or Hanukkah ones. So … consider this my holiday greeting:
If you’re on my mailing list, and have elected to receive my messages, thank you.
If you’ve been to one of our shows, or told anyone about them, thank you.
If you’ve bought a Swami product, or even thought about buying one, thank you.
If you’ve intentionally or unintentionally made someone laugh recently, thank you.
If you’ve hosted or promoted one of our shows, thank you.
If you’ve allowed the Swami and I to humorize your message, or if you were inspired to humorize your own, thank you.
If you participated in any teleclass I did – or even told someone about the teleclass (tell-a-teleclass) – thank you.
If you’ve put us up in the past year, or merely put up with us, thank you.
To my Facebook friends, friends of Facebook friends, Linked In associates, and anyone and everyone who receives this message … thank you!
To read the original of this post click here.
He goes on the explain that on December 21st he's going to introduce Ed Sullivan to the Mayan elders while Howard Cosell does a pray-by-pray. He even offers to appear as if by digital magic on Skype if you send him an e-mail. Would you like to read more by this Swami of humor? Click on the picture below this article. This is just one of his many hilarious books. Enjoy.

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