Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why do we Need Spiritual Guides?

I’d like to introduce you to another website that will be useful for everyone but especially for people just learning about spiritual healing. It contains useful information, practice ideas, inspirational readings and different tools and methods for healing. It does not profess to be a replacement for modern medicine but an addition to what doctors suggest. It seems that the owners and organizers of this site are all family members – two sisters and their English mother. Today I will curate their article on spiritual guides, but please check out the inspirational quotes, true stories and poetry in this spiritual healing encyclopedia for the basics of the spiritual path.

Why do we Need Spiritual Guides?

I could say that we need spiritual guides because we really don't do a good job of progression on the path by ourselves. (And you could take progression to mean personal development, balancing karma, fulfilling the plan God has for us, etc...) We are all susceptible to human weaknesses and the choice between doing what is 'easy' and what is 'right' is a dilemma we find ourselves in frequently. So, obviously we could use help in getting back on track when we stray.
I could also say that it's actually only pride and arrogance that would cause us to think we're capable of running the show by ourselves.
You only need to look around at the saddening state of affairs in the world to know that we aren't handling it very well. With huge sections of the population shunning God, it isn't really surprising that we're having so much trouble. Obviously there is much work to be done in asking for help from heaven, not just for our own lives but on behalf of all the other people in situations that so desperately need divine assistance, who are, for whatever reason, not asking. Fortunately the tide is turning with more people finding ways to make spirituality a part of their lives.
To read the original of this post click here.
The article goes on to explain what spiritual guides can do and how to request divine help. The website in well planned and informative but I wish it would not focus so much on Christian philosophy. There are spiritual guides for every religion, and perhaps the ones closest to their spirit guides are the natives of every land, the original peoples. Why do we need spiritual guides? In this chaotic, changing world we need all the help we can get. If you would like to know more about spiritual guides, I recommend this book: The Masters and Their Retreats by Mark and Elizabeth Claire Prophet. It is also recommended by the owners of this great website.

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