The author of this article, Stephanie Adams, is a colorful
woman from anyone’s perspective. A former Playboy model, author of dozens of
metaphysical books and now a self-made millionaire, she writes about spiritual
healing in, an online self improvement community. Here’s
some of what she says about
self healing and a new view of
Spiritual Self Healing and a Different View of Archangels
There are many methods of spiritual healing from a vast variety of cultures
and spiritual origins. The one common denominator that always holds true is the
basic ceremony for healing:
-Place yourself in a relaxed setting.
-Use scented candles, oils, incense and any other herbal aromatherapy to
accentuate the mood for complete serenity.
-Lay down (or sit) in silence. (Calm, soothing background music is optional.)
-Close your eyes and clear your mind from all irrelevant thoughts and forms
of negativity.
-Focus on the matter that needs to be healed from within.
-Picture the obstacle (whether it is physical, mental, emotional or
spiritual) and picture yourself overcoming it.
-Open your eyes and resume with your natural activities.
-Most importantly, BELIEVE in your healing abilities and assure yourself that
your healing session will result in success.
To read the rest of this post click
This is a simple ritual but one many people forget to do in order for the
unconscious mind to be programed to heal your body. In another short
description of her new book, Stephanie describes her view of the Archangels as
warriors fighting for the good.
In these modern days, it is often quite rare and beyond unheard of for people
to portray angels as militant, godlike warriors. Surprisingly, archangels being
viewed as paranormal figures and action superheroes are even more unheard of.
Books, movies, and other popular venues glorify in actors playing the role of
generic crime fighters and fictional lifesavers, but what about the original
ones written about during ancient times? And according to the author of nearly
two dozen publications, Stephanie Adams: Sometimes you have to go back in
history in order to make it. So what better way to teach the spiritual battle
between good and evil, ultimately showing that the goodness of God will always
prevail, than to write a book on it from a religious background, combined with a
metaphysical perspective? Introducing...The Book Of GODDESSY By Stephanie
If you wish to read more about this book,
Goddessy and the New Order of
here. Then you can see more about
spiritual self healing and a
different view of Archangels.
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