Near death experiences are actually a new phenomena brought on by the advent of modern medicine. Before people just died; they were not brought back from death’s doorstep by modern machines. Now we have several decades of reports of what people have experienced when they were between life and death, and the accounts are amazingly similar, even from small children.
For example, many people experience going through a long tunnel towards a bright light. They see religious figures that they recognize, relatives that have passed on or spirit guides who help them decide what to do. Others don’t leave the room they are in but they float over their body that the medical personnel are working on. They can remember conversations that the doctors or relatives had about them. This is more than imagination; it’s reported too often and in detail to be faked.
Therefore, our knowledge of “the other side” is building up. It seems that it’s a nice place, mostly. People report feeling blissful and completely relaxed. Is there a hell or purgatory? There are reports that some people when they “pass on” have to stay in one room for some time to “reprogram”. This might be like purgatory. It seems that everyone must also review their lives, the events and the reactions of people around them. There is some evidence that if something is not resolved in one lifetime that soul must repeat the situation in another lifetime, perhaps the next one.
I find it quite fascinating that souls do not just float on clouds after death. It seems they continue to work and progress in spiritual evolution towards a more pure and giving being. Want to know more? I recommend these books: Life After Death by Deepak Chopra and Life is Forever: Evidence for Survival After Death by David Howe and Susy Smith. While there are a number of sensational approaches to this subject, these two books are very grounded and clearly describe the experiences and conclusions.
The mystery to me is that if we do live multiple times and need to resolve some past issues, why don’t we remember all of this? Last words: here’s a video so you can see this visually
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