Saturday, October 12, 2013

Near Death Experience Predicts the Future Ahead on Earth

In 2012 a woman named Martha St. Clair nearly drowned while water skiing. As you will hear her describe in this video, she fell and was pulled under the water when the rope became tangled around her leg. She had many of the same experiences as others who have come back from the other side, but this time she was shown what was ahead for this planet and why we are all here this time during these huge changes. This is a must-listen for anyone spiritual who wants to survive the coming days.

Near Death Experience Predicts the Future Ahead on Earth

Now that you know what Martha saw, perhaps you would like to read more about near death experiences. It's a popular subject these days. If you go to Amazon and type in "near death experiences" you will find 14 books on the topic published in 2013. I've chosen one to share with you but please leave a message regarding any other good choices you know here below this article or on Facebook: Here is one of the best new books. What Happens When We Die: A Psychic's Exploration of Death, Heaven and the Soul's Journey After Death by Echo Bodine. Here we have much the same material in much more depth as the video you just watched. I hope you like it.Just click on the image below to see more.

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