Friday, June 15, 2012

How to Handle a Healing Crisis

Bronwen and Frans Steine are world-renowed Reiki practitioners and certainly have witnessed more healing sessions than most people. Their latest article, “Healing is Not Always Fun” is very clearly written about the problems of “stuck energy” busting forth or strong emotions occurring after healing sessions. Please read more about how to handle a healing crisis.

How to Handle a Healing Crisis 

Many people think that healing is fun and takes you straight into a state of bliss. But this is not always the case, healing yourself can be painful.
Yes, some issues will clear up without any side effects at all--they are like a drop of cooking oil on the kitchen bench, wiped away with one flick. Many issues, however, are so stuck within our mind and energy that it takes much more then just a flick. These are like old stains on a kitchen bench which need a mighty scrub to clean off, and, in the process, leave scratches behind.

Some of the "side effects" of healing might be slight dizzyness, vomiting, pain in your joints or organs, crying, shaking, or diarrhea--just to name a few.
One of the best ways to deal with stuff that comes up when we start to heal is to make sure that we stay grounded. This we can do with traditional Japanese Reiki practices like joshin kokyu ho (its on this CD) for example. You can also support yourself by receiving hands-on healing sessions from a practitioner, counseling, massages, acupuncture etc. And always make sure you drink lots of water.
To read the original of this article click here.
The Steines living in Australia hold wonderful workshops and retreats both in Australia and in other countries. To know more about their approach to Reiki, I recommend The Reiki Sourcebook.

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